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Ja, smučanje je ena lepa, prelepa zadeva. Po enem letu premora smo se spet vrnili v Tri doline v Savojskih Alpah, zame doslej vsekakor še nepresežen smučarski raj. Pa še vse je znano, ker sem tukaj že osmič. Kam se gre, kaj se je, kje se kupuje, kje se živi. In če Bog lepega vremena™ spet poskrbi za optimalne razmere, se je treba spopadati samo z musklfibrom. Tega je pa tud kar nekaj...


Sicer pa je en album fotk, tokrat prvič (se opravičujem) nafilan s fotkami, posnetimi s telefonom, na voljo TUKAJ.




Skiing is above and beyond lovely. After a year's break we returned to the Les Trois Vallées ski region in Savoie, for me until now a ski paradise with no real challenger. And we know it all already, since this is my eighth time here. Where to go, what to eat, where to shop, where to stay. And if The God Of Good Weather™, that is me, provides optimal conditions, the only annoyance that remains in the list are sore muscles. Plenty of that...


And you can see a larger album, the first one with pics taken exclusively with the phone, HERE.







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