Gor in dol po straniščni školjki




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No, pa smo padli v še eno leto. Samo tole bom napisal. Vesel sem, da se je 2015 vendarle končalo. Težko, naporno leto, polno takšnih in drugačnih preizkušenj ter težav. In če bo leto 2016 takšno, kot je bil njegov začetek, z zabavo v krogu tistih, ki jih imam rad in z dobro hrano, potem bo vse v redu. No, zdaj si pa želim samo še malo snega. Voščilo za vse pa bom ukradel mojemu osebnemu zakladu s tviterja, Manueli (poklikajte jo pod @HamManuela). Takole je napisala:


Muskelfibr samo po dobrem seksu in glavobol izključno samo zaradi mačka.


Pa saj vem, da ne bo šlo, ker se vas večina zna dobro kar sama zjebati. Tudi jaz.




Ok, another year arrived. Let me put it this way. I am happy 2015 is finally over. It was a hard, demanding year, full of all sorts of annoying issues. Well, if the beginning of the year is a sign of things to come (mine was with a party of people I love - and good food and wine) then I have nothing to worry about. Now I only wish for some snow. And for all the rest of you, here is a stolen congratulation from my own personal gold from Twitter, Manuela - @HamManuela. Here is what she wrote.


Sore muscles only after good sex and headache only because of hangover.


But I know it probably won't help. We all can pretty much fuck up ourselves.





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