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Ja, tisti #tbt iz leta 2010 me je pognal po poteh starih fotografij in zdaj je tukaj pred vami Pot uničenja Celestine v 21 podobah. Tiste najbolj zgodnje imam doma. Enkrat jih bom morda poskeniral. Do takrat pa...



Yes, that #tbt and seven-times-me from 2010 pulled me down the memory lane and I managed to dig out some pictures, so I can present you The Timeline of (Celestina) Destruction in 21 images. The earliest still need to be scanned though. Until then...


1971 - Naslanjanje / Still leaning


1972 - Zametki / First gay hairstyle

1977 - Še pri bogu / First Communion


1978 - Brihta / Clever

1992 - Upanje / Some were still hoping

1993 - Diva

1994 - Intovertiranec / Introvert

1995 - Ja, tudi to / That as well, yes

1996 - Zadnji dolgi / The last of the long

1997 - Spogledovanje / Whacchalookinat

1998 - Brata bedaka / Brother Idiots

1999 - ...

2001 - Na vrhu WTC, dva tedna prej... / Atop WTC, two weeks before

2007 - Začetek neumnosti / Stupid times began

2009 - Nikoli brez / Never without

2011 - In kratek sprehog / And a short walk back

2012 - Ribarjenje / Fishing

2014 - Ne gledat / Hiding

2015 - Profilke / Profile pics

2016 - Danes, 5. februarja / Today, 5th February





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