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Strast ali pa kar obsedenost. Gate, ja. Nekaj deset. Vseh barv, malo manj različnih oblik, večinoma bombažnih. In že od nekdaj glavni utrinek izbiranja tega, kaj bom zjutraj oblekel. Ker pri drugem kaj veliko premisleka ni. IN zadošča, da vem, kakšne imam. Ja, malo nedolžne obsedenosti. Ampak... Saj nikomur ne škodi, ne? :)




Passion or obsession? Undies, yes. All colours, not that many shapes, mostly cotton. In for years and years now the main moment of selecting what I am going to wear in the morning. Because for all the rest I don't really give a damn. And it's enough for me to know what is underneath my clothes. Yes, slightly innocent obsession. And... Why would anyone care?


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