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Ja, še zadnjič vam bom malo težil s tistim, kar nosi oznako #ssol, torej Savičeva spletna osebnost leta. Boj je bil kar naporen, seveda sem vesel, da mi je na koncu uspelo, vse skupaj pa je bil odličen preizkus odzivnosti sledi, ki sem jih v mnogih letih vlačenja po internetu pušča marsikje. In na marsikakšen način. In očitno je bilo teh sledi toliko, da je bilo na koncu dovolj. Res sem skušal testirati vse kanale, na katerih sem tako ali drugače bil in sem še vedno, od blogov, različnih klepetov in seveda tudi aplikacij onstran spodobnosti.

Anyway, še enkrat res hvala tistim, ki ste omogočili tole zabavo zadnji mesec, pa seveda opravičilo za kar precej konkretno nadlegovanje. Zdaj je s tem konec. Umikam se v bolj običajne metode drgnjenja po internetu. So mi bližje.

No, pa še tole. Seveda koledar Come and Get Me 2017, ki je - ne da bi bilo načrtovano - postal del "kampanje" v finalu #ssol. Zanimivo, da sta se okrog dvanajstih fotografij v koledarju spletla zlasti dva tabora, in sicer Team Februar in Team November. Interpretacije prepuščam vam, tule dodajam obe omenjeni fotki, celoten nabor fotografij, brez tistih spremljevalnih komentarjev ter imen in datumov, pa je sicer na voljo tukaj - na flickrju.


Aha, čisto spodaj pa je pogovor, ki sva ga posnela z Domnom. Od medijev do papig. Vsega po malem. Življenje pač.

Torej, zbogom #ssol in hvala za vse ribe.


Okay, I guess a short explanation of what was going on in the last few weeks is more than in order. As you might have noticed (not least because I was constantly and pushily reminding you LOL) I was competing in the so called Savič's Online Personality Of The Year, (Slovenian abbreviation is #ssol) Domen Savič being the bad conscience of Slovenian internet - among other tasks he has taken. The competition itself had two rounds and I made it to the second one, so I guess I had to abuse every single internet trace I had left in the past whoknowshowmany years. And it has worked. The title #ssol is now officially mine, also thanks to all the victims of my molesting. I got more than 3000 votes in the finals which is actually quite a nice number.

And now about the the award, the sausage. Sausage in Slovene is "klobasa". The verb coming out of it is "klobasati", meaning to talk nonsense. Got the point? :)

And a few words about the notorious calendar Come and Get Me 2017. I did something similar in 2015, but pissed in my pants when it was time to sort make its "coming out". This year it was different. I ordered a few copies and they have already left my hands, well almost all of them. And all the pictures from the calendar are on flickr.

Because, frankly, I don't give a fuck.

Funny enough, two groups have formed around those images. Team February and Team November. Tells a lot about you lot.

Well, there is also a video attached. It is an interview Domen Savič made with me, one of rare chances for me to pass to the other side. But it is in Slovene, so...

Anyway, goodbye #ssol and thanks for all the fish.




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